Creating all podcasts herself, based on personal inspirations Violett's latest instalment "mundo perro" is any electronic lovers dream. Throughout the track, you are transported from one out of space timezone to the next "this podcast we have Ambient, Astral Techno, Modern Sounds that easily take you to visualize an abstract panorama of textures, tunnels, outer space, but without time".
In "mundo perro" she also incorporates human vocals around 30mins into the track, "In this case, the voice reminds me of RACHAEL of Blade Runner. In the past, I have felt a lot like a cyborg."
Describing her creative process as emotional, tugging on her deep feelings she goes on to say "Not only is the project of friends that I love very much, friends with a very open and colourful mind, also, Mundo Perro means Dog World, and I am a pet protectionist. I have 5 dogs. All rescued from the misery of abandonment."
See the full feature on Coeval Magazine here.